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NOVEMBER 18, 2019



Join this online Hackathon and create your Game in 07 days to earn the $1,000 USD Prize! Your product will be listed on HB Wallet store with your credit later.

Hackathon Prizes


Hackathon Timeline

November 11, 2019

Individual participants meet up and grouping at 10:00 AM in Bacoor Vietnam Office

November 15, 2019

Registration process ended

November 18, 2019

Start the Hackathon - Topic and instruction will be sent via email at 09:00 (GMT+7)

November 24, 2019

Hackathon ended - Participants submit products before the deadline at 23:59 (GMT+7)

December 08, 2019

HB Dapps Hackathon Awarding

  • I do not write down a passphrase, can I restore a wallet?"
    If you do not save your passphrase and can not restore your account from your private key, you can not access the original account.
  • Can I use the same passphrase on multiple terminals at the same time?
    Possible. Using one passphrase on multiple terminals is called Wallet pairing.
  • Where can I check the private key of my account?
    You can check your private key by choosing Menu -> Display PrivateKey.
  • How can I set the PIN code?
    You can set it by selecting Menu -> Setting PIN Code.
  • How do I send an Ether or token?
    Specify the destination account, specify the amount to send, and press the send button. When sending, your account on HB Blockchain Interface must have balance of ether or tokens beyond the sent amount. When sending a token, the recipient must have an account with the same type of token as the sender.
  • How can I see my wallet's Passphrase, and how can I verify that I have an accurate copy?"
    You can always see your phrase at Tools > Display Passphrase.
  • Why is the ETH main account and token account the same?
    The accounts of the tokens that you are installing are all tied to the main account of the Ethereum so that it is easy to manage.
  • What is a private key?
    A private key is information used to issue transactions. One account always has one private key. By sending Ether or token from your account using a private key, you can prove that the owner of the account has signed the transaction with its private key. That is, the owner of the private key is the owner of the account. Telling a private key to others is an act equivalent to transferring a cash card and PIN to another person.
  • What is an account in HB wallet?
    An account in HB wallet is like an account number in a bank account. It is represented by 42 alphanumeric characters beginning with "0x". If you want to send Ether or token, you need to tell your account to your partner. On the account screen, you can check your account by swiping down the card. You can copy it to the clipboard by pressing the copy icon.
  • What can HB Blockchain Interface do?
    HB Blockchain Interface can perform the following functions: 1. Send currencies to another currency address 2. Receive currency from another currency address 3. Pair from or to another device's HB Blockchain Interface so that you can access that same wallet across all devices (mobiles, tablets)
  • Is the creator of HB Blockchain Interface collecting the fee?
    The fee is not received by us but is received by users who maintain the Ethereum network. The system is permanently maintained by users who contribute to its maintenance receiving fees without an administrator.
  • What is PIN code?
    You can set to enter PIN code when sending Ether or token, checking passphrase, and checking private key.That is, PIN code authentication will be done when doing actions related to your funds.
  • Can I charge other party by specifying the amount of Ether/tokens or money to receive?
    Tap the Receive button and enter the quantity you want to charge (ETH or money amount). A QR code in which your account and the quantity of the Ether/tokens you want to claim are entered is generated.
  • How do I add a token wallet?
    Select Menu -> Search Token, select the token you want to install from the token list, and add it.
  • How do I receive Ether or tokens?
    All you have to do is to specify an amount and scan your public key's QR code, as is displayed on the main HB Blockchain Interface screen. Alternately, they can use the address displayed on your HB Blockchain Interface screen (under "Your Current [Currency] Address").
  • The token can not be sent.
    In order to send a token with HB Blockchain Interface, you need to pay a transmission fee, approximately 10 to 20 yen, by ETH. The fee is automatically withdrawn from the main account when sending a token. Therefore, when sending a token, you need to add ETH to the main account.
  • What are transaction fees?
    Fees applied to transaction go to support the networks that run the coin/token. So, for instance, every standard (non-contract) ETH transaction currently applies a fee of .000441 ETH.
  • Is HB Blockchain Interface open source?
    HB Blockchain Interface is not open source.
  • What is a Passphrase? How does it work?
    When you create a new account, a 12-word Passphrase associated with your wallet is also generated. Your Passphrase are 12 random words that are set in a particular order that acts as a tool to recover or back up your wallet on any platform. Every HB Blockchain Interface has a unique Phrase. No two users will have the same Passphrase. So, no one, including us, will have access to your funds unless you share your Passphrase with someone. Please write down your 12-word Passphrase and keep a copy in a secure location so you can restore your wallet at anytime.
  • Does HB Blockchain Interface use multisig, multisignature, feature for transactions?"
    HB Blockchain Interface does not use multisig feature for its transactions.
  • Do you provide API documentation for HB Blockchain Interface?
    We do not have a public API that is available to view.
  • Can I reverse or cancel a transaction?
    Once a transaction has been successfully completed, it cannot be reversed or canceled. This is true for all coins/tokens used in HB Blockchain Interface.
  • How safe/secure is HB Blockchain Interface?
    Unlike many other wallets, HB Blockchain Interface doesn't store any user information, wallet data, or funds on any centralized server. All wallet files are stored strictly on users' devices, so HB Blockchain Interface can not collect any wallet information of users. As long as you have a written copy of your wallet's 12-word Passphrase, you will be able to back up or restore all wallet assets indefinitely. Transaction (transmission) information sent from this application is encrypted and all the communication is done by secure connection. You don't need to worry about the information leakage. That said, while it can't be hacked on a systemic level in the same way centralized services can, HB Blockchain Interface is only as "safe" as your security practices are. If you lose your device or download malware onto your computer that grants remote access, malicious users may be able to access your wallet.
  • Can I import my private key?
    Private keys can not be imported with HB Blockchain Interface.
  • 4. What is the maximum amount that I can purchase in a transaction?
    The maximum amount that users can purchase is $20,000 USD for every transaction. The monthly cap for a user is $50,000 USD.
  • 6. Is there any restricted area?
    Simplex accepts Visa and Mastercard payments from all countries except: Banned FATF Countries: 1. Afghanistan 2. Bosnia and Herzegovina 3. Region of Crimea 4. Cuba 5. Iran 6. Iraq 7. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 8. Lao People's Democratic Republic 9. Serbia 10. Sri Lanka 11. Sudan 12. Syrian Arab Republic 13. Trinidad and Tobago 14. Tunisia 15. Uganda 16. Vanuatu 17. Yemen Banned Virtual Currency Countries: 1. Algeria 2. Bangladesh 3. Bolivia 4. Cambodia 5. China 6. Kyrgyzstan 7. Macedonia 8. Nepal 9. Nigeria 10. Thailand
  • 7. How long will it take to receive the purchased amount of Cryptocurrency?
    It should take approximately 30 minutes to receive the purchased amount of Cryptocurrency.
  • 3. What is the minimum amount that I can purchase in a transaction?
    The minimum amount that users can purchase is $50 USD for every transaction.
  • 1. What type of Cryptocurrencies can I purchase from Simplex via HB Wallet?
    HB Wallet supports users to purchase Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple (XRP)​
  • 2. What can I use to purchase Cryptocurrencies from Simplex via HB Wallet?
    ​Users can use Credit Cards, or Debit Cards that supported by Visa, or Master Card to purchase Cryptocurrencies.​
  • 5. What is the fee for every transaction?
    For transactions from $50 USD to $200 USD the fee is $10 + 5% transaction value. For transactions from over $200 USD to $20,000 USD the fee is 10% transaction value.
  • 8. Where can I report if I can't receive the purchased amount of Cryptocurrency?
    Please fill in the table below on this page. We will contact you as soon as we can.
  • 3. 最低購入額はいくらですか。
  • 7. 購入した仮想通貨はどれぐらいで送信されますか?
  • 5. 手数料はかかりますか?
    $50から$200までの購入手数料は$10及び購入額の5%です。 $200から$20,000までの購入手数料は10%です。
  • 1. Simplexで購入できる仮想通貨の種類は何ですか?
  • 4. 最大購入可能額はいくらですか。
    最大購入可能額は$20,000です。 1ユーザーの購入上限額/月は$50,000です。
  • 2. 何を利用してSimplexで仮想通貨を購入できますか?
  • 8. 購入した仮想通貨が届きません。
  • 6. 制限区域はありますか?
    以下の国を除く全ての国のVISAカードとマスターカードでご利用できます。 仮想通貨禁止FATFの国 1. アフガニスタン 2. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 3.クリミア半島の地域 4. キューバ 5.イラン 6. イラク 7.朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 8.ラオス人民民主共和国 9.セルビア 10.スリランカ 11. スーダン 12.シリアアラブ共和国 13.トリニダードトバゴ 14.チュニジア 15. ウガンダ 16. バヌアツ 17.イエメン 仮想通貨が禁止の国 1. アルジェリア 2. バングラデシュ 3. ボリビア 4. カンボジア 6.キルギスタン 7. マケドニア 8. ネパール 9. ナイジェリア 10.タイ
  • How many people do I need in a team?
    There is no limitation for the number of people in a team, even 01 person can participate as a team.
  • Who can participate?
    Everyone is welcome to participate.
  • Hackathon Requirements
    1. The registration process will last until November 15, 2019. 2. Since this is an online Hackathon, participants need to register online and come to Bacoor Office in HCMC once before joining the Hackathon: - We will provide basic information, submission instruction, sources and tips. - We will record ID, email and phone number of participants. This way, we would not give the prizes to the wrong person. - Bacoor Vietnam: 133 Duong Ba Trac Street, Ward 1, District 8, HCMC, Vietnam - Google Maps: 3. For individuals that would like to team up with other participants, you will need to come to Bacoor Office on the November 11, 2019 at 10:00 AM to find a teamate.
  • What is the format of this Hackathon?
    Participants will need to create a game in 07 days.
  • What coding language will be used in this Hackathon?
    - React JS - Javascript - Solidity - CoCos2D-JS
  • What are grading criteria?
    1. For the top prizes: - Sign in Metamask to start the game - The game at least provides 03 activities of using Crypto (send/receive/buy/sell) - Basic graphic - The more activities that related to Crypto, the higher the points 2. For the Best Graphic Prize, we will focus on the graphic of the game only. - There will be some minimum criteria. - However, since this part is related to beauty, art and creativity, we will judge it based on the effort of participants.
  • What are the prize details?
    There will be 03 main prizes: - The 1st Prize: $1,000 USD - The 2nd Prize: $500 USD - The 3rd Prize: $300 USD Additional Prize: - The Best Graphic Prize: $500 USD Successful Submission: - Each successful submission will be rewarded with 01 HBWALLET (~ $15 USD)
Event Info
Crypto Trends 2020

Crypto Trends 2020

What will happen next year? Join this event this December 2019 to figure it out with top experts from various reputed companies!

Participants will have a chance to win a FREE Ipad, or $3,000 USD worth of Ethers and Tokens, 10 Exclusive T-shirts and so much more!

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